Hot Fuss
An hour or so of us talking about 'Hot Fuss'. We have played
this album in full (+ b-sides) several times this year (including at Kings Tuts Glasgow for it's 15th Anniverary) and so felt we had a bit to talk about.
A hopefully self-evident disclaimer. We wouldn't be doing the podcast if we didn't think that 'Hot Fuss' was one of the best albums of all time and wouldn't be in a Killers Tribute unless we thought that The Killers were one of the best bands in the entire history of rock music.
However, we are speaking as real fans and having a discussion and debate in the way that real fans do, so other than the (obvious) fact that it has been recorded at all, it is not just a 'Hot Fuss love in' - and besides.... people in a room just agreeing the proverbial out of each other is, of course, completely dull.
Totally unedited, so it may drag. But we hope you enjoy.
N.B You can click the button to download it if you like, and if you are on a mobile it's simplest to select 'Listen in Browser'.